Thursday, December 8, 2011

Our many yes committments

Today in the catholic church we celebrate God's gift of Mary's birth without sin. Later at the Annunciation we celebrate her saying yes to becoming the mother of Jesus.

We all have said yes to things we were not sure of but in faith we gave our consent our committed yes. 

I think of my friends who are married and said yes when they were asked "for better or for worse" Some are celebrating anniversary's of their marriage. I am know many things happened to stress the yes, but they made it through those times.

When I said yes, when I made my vows as a religous Sister I didnt dream of celebrating my 50th anniversary. That yes has had its moments as well.

What are the things you have said yes to. Do you pray for the grace to be faithful to your yes. Hard yes committments stress our faith but may we look at the faith of Mary and have courage. Say a prayer for the grace to be faithful to the many yes committments in your life.

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